Security Reclassification

To reclassify a Morningstar Tracked security, do the following:

  1. From the top menu, select Tools, and then Edit Definition Master.

  2. On the left-hand side of the Definition Master screen, select Reclassification under Morningstar Securities.

  3. From the toolbar above the grid, click the Add button and select the security you want to reclassify. Highlight the security in the Available Records box and then click Add to move it to the Selected Records box. Click OK.

  4. From the grid, click on Morningstar in the Asset Class Source column. Use the drop-down to select User defined.

  5. Click on the magnifying glass under the Classify Asset Class column.

  6. Use the drop-down to change the Reporting Asset Class. This field will affect where the holding shows up on report that are run by Asset Class.

  7. Enter the desired percentages for the asset classes. You must manually remove any percentages currently assigned to the security and enter the new percentages.

  8. The option to Overwrite Morningstar Composition must be checked for the system to recognize the new percentages.

  9. Click Save + Close.

Note: You must enter weightings (percentages) in the Composition setup, and make sure the Overwrite Morningstar Composition option is checked, in order for your reclassification to be recognized. The changes you make to the composition of an asset class will affect the planning module, account asset allocation view, and the following reports: Current vs. Target, X-Ray, Snapshot, Performance by Asset Class, Performance History by Asset Class, and Portfolio by Asset Class.

To reclassify a User-defined security, do the following:

  1. From the top menu, select Tools, and then Edit Definition Master.

  2. On the left-hand side of the Definition Master screen, select Securities under User Defined Securities.

  3. Place a checkmark in the box next to the security you want to change. From the toolbar above the grid, click Action, and then Edit.

  4. Setting the Asset Class or Composition for a security can determine how it shows up on reports. For reports that are run by Asset Class, the system refers to the Asset Class field setting. Other reports will look first for the Composition setting, if not defined, it will then look to the Asset Class field. If neither option is defined, the security is included in the Not Classified category.

    1. Under the Basic tab, the Asset Class field, allows you to select pre-defined classifications. This setting will affect reports that you run by Asset Class, like the Performance by Asset Class and Portfolio Current Value by Asset Class. The security will show up at 100% in the asset class you selected.

    2. The Composition option, which allows you to define the percentages of asset classes for the security, is located under the Detail tab. This option is only relevant for some security types and they include: Category Average, Closed-End fund, Exchange-Traded fund, Hedge Fund, Open-End Fund, Index, MF Objective, Proxy, Separate Account, VA subaccount, VL subaccount, Other, 529 Portfolio Unit Investment Trust, and Insurance and Pension Funds. Examples of reports that look at this composition, if available, would be the Current vs. Target Asset Allocation and Snapshot.

  5. When you've completed your changes to the security, click Save + Close.