Understanding Security Mapping

Within the Definition Master, there is a Security Mappings section. This shows you all user-defined securities that have come in to Morningstar Office, either through the import or manual entry. In this section, you have the ability to map these user-defined securities to a Morningstar tracked security.

How to determine if the user-defined security is mapped to a Morningstar tracked security

  1. Click on Tools, Edit Definition Master, Security Mappings.

  2. Scroll to the right until you find the Morningstar Security Name column. If this column is blank, the security has not been mapped to a Morningstar tracked security. If there is name in this column, the security has been mapped to a Morningstar tracked security.

  3. Find the Use As Substitute column. If this column says No, you are still displaying the user-defined version of the security in your accounts. If this column says Yes, you are displaying the Morningstar tracked security in your accounts. (See below for more information on how the Use As Substitute column works)

User-defined Securities

Advantages of using a user-defined security

When you would use a user-defined security

User-defined securities mapped to a Morningstar tracked security with Use as Substitute set to No

Advantages of having the User-defined security mapped to a Morningstar tracked security with Use As Substitute set to No

When you would want the user-defined security mapped to a Morningstar tracked security with Use As Substitute set to No

How to map a user-defined security to a Morningstar tracked security with Use As Substitute set to No

This is a global change and will affect all accounts with this security. If you are not comfortable completing this action on your own, please call support at 1-866-215-2503.

  1. Go to Tools, Edit Definition Master, Security Mappings.

  2. Locate the security you want to map.

  3. Scroll to the right to the Morningstar Ticker column.

  4. Click on the magnifying glass and search for the Morningstar tracked security. Click OK.

  5. Make sure the Use as Substitute column is set to No and then click Save.

User-defined security mapped to a Morningstar tracked security with Use as Substitute set to Yes

Advantages of having the User-defined Security mapped to a Morningstar Security with Use As Substitute set to Yes

Note:  Click here for instances when the use as substitute should never be set to Yes.

When you want the user-defined security mapped to a Morningstar tracked security with the Use As Substitute set to Yes

Note:  Click here for instances when the use as substitute should never be set to Yes.

How to map a user-defined security to a Morningstar tracked security with Use As Substitute set to Yes

Note:  Click here for instances when the use as substitute should never be set to Yes.

This is a global change and will affect all accounts with this security. If you are not comfortable completing this action on your own, please call support at 1-866-215-2503.

  1. Go to Tools, Edit Definition Master, Security Mappings.

  2. Locate the security you want to map.

  3. Scroll to the right to the Morningstar Ticker column.

  4. Click on the magnifying glass and search for the Morningstar tracked security. Click OK.

  5. Set the Use as Substitute column to Yes.

  6. Click OK to the message that pops up confirming that you want to replace the security.

  7. Click Save.

When the Use as Substitute should never be set to Yes

Note: The Use as Substitute should never be set to Yes with no Morningstar tracked security listed. If you see a failed reconciliation item that has a blank security name/ticker/CUSIP, you will want to check the security mapping for this case.

Note: You should never have Variable Annuities from DST mapped to a Morningstar tracked Security with the Use as Substitute set to Yes. This can cause issues with pricing.


See Also

Misaligned Securities