Report Studio Overview

The Report Studio, located under the Report Studio tab allows you to build a custom report from a blank template, a Morningstar template, or a saved template. Click here for information on creating a new template.

The Morningstar Report Studio uses tabs for navigation between pre-designed Morningstar Templates and those you have created. By default, the layout opens to the Saved Files tab. Note: The first time you access the Report Studio tab, you are prompted to sign in using your Office login and password.

The Application Settings page is accessed through the gear icon and contains the settings that are globally applied to new blank templates.

The Morningstar Templates tab contains pre-designed templates based on the noted reports, and are available to all Office users. These templates can be customized, and when saved, are available under the Saved Files tab.

The Saved Files tab contains report templates that have been generated and saved by your office. Once the Saved Files tab is clicked, two additional menu options become available. The Action menu allows you to move or delete templates, or share them with others. Click on the New Folder menu to create sub-folders on the grid for storing the templates in an orderly fashion.

Application Settings Tab

You can set the default appearance for your Report Studio reports by clicking the gear icon from the main Report Studio screen or by clicking the same icon within a report template and selecting Application Settings. These settings only apply when creating a report from a blank template.

Settings under the Layout tab:

Report Template

Font Color - Use the drop-down menu to select the font color that will be used throughout the template (page headings, footers, labeling, etc.).

Page Color - Use the drop-down menu to select the background color for pages within the report template.

Paper Size - Two paper sizes are available under the drop-down menu, select A4 or US Letter.

Margins - Use the up/down arrows, or enter a value for the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins. These values are pre-selected based on the paper size but can be altered.

Layout - Click the image for landscape (long) or portrait (tall) to set the paper orientation.

Font - Use the drop-down menu to select a font for the report template.

Display "Source: Morningstar Office" - When this option is selected, the report displays this text in the lower left-hand corner of each page of the report. This indicates the report was generated from the Morningstar Office program.

Component Title Settings

Font Size - Use the drop-down menu to select the font size to be used with chart and graph titles. Use the icons to apply Bold, Italics, or Underline to the titles.

Font Color - Use the drop-down menu to select the font color for chart and graph titles.

Bar Style - Use the drop-down menu to select the wide, narrow, or shading option. The wide and narrow bars are used to separate each component added to the template and will appear above the component title. The shading option applies to the component title.

Background Color - Use the drop-down menu to select the color for the bar style or title shading.

Settings under the Display tab:

Use the drop-down menus to set the Color and Marker preferences for the charts and graphs.

Click the Reset button located at the bottom of the screen to return all settings to the system defaults distributed with Morningstar Office.

Morningstar Templates Tab

Morningstar Office provides pre-designed report templates to get you started. Select the report template that most closely matches the type of data you want to report on, and double-click to open. These templates can be customized to meet your needs by giving you the flexibility of adding or deleting report components. Custom templates are then accessible from the Saved Files tab.

Saved Files Tab

Under the Saved Files tab, you can access templates that you have generated and saved.  You can search for a saved template by clicking on the magnifying glass and typing the name of your template into the Search Name field. When the Saved Files tab is active, two additional options are available; the Action menu and New Folder button.

Use the Action menu, or the right-click menu to perform the following functions:

Open (Right-click menu only) - Opens the selected template in a new window.

Rename (Right-click menu only) - Allows you to type a new name in the Name field for the selected template.

Delete - Removes the selected template from the list.

Move To (Action menu only) - Relocate the template from its current location to another. For example: from the grid view into a folder, or from one folder to another.

Send To / Share With - Use these options to share a copy of the template with another Morningstar Office user, either inside or outside your firm.

When the system prompts you the report has been sent or shared, it is then available to the recipient under their Office login. They may need to use the Action menu, Refresh Landing Screen option to see the template.

Refresh Landing Screen (Action menu only) - Reloads the grid display.

Click on the New Folder menu to create folders on the grid for storing the templates in an orderly fashion. You can also create sub-folders by clicking the line of the subfolder and dragging in over the parent folder.


See Also

Creating a New Report Template