Merging Clients

Merging Client Manual

To merge two clients together, complete the following steps:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click the Client Management tab, and then select Clients.

  2. From the Action menu, click Edit, Merge Clients. The Merge Clients dialog opens.

  3. Click the magnifying glass next to the Source Client box. The Select Client dialog opens.

    1. Refine your search under the Select Client section by using the Within and Find By criteria.

    2. Click Go to populate the grid in the Available Records section.

    3. In the Available Records section, highlight the client you want to integrate into another client.

    4. Click OK. You return to the Merge Clients dialog box and the Source Client box is populated.

  4. Click the magnifying glass next to the Target Client box. The Select Client dialog opens. Use the same criteria specified above to refine your search and select the target client.

  5. In the Available Records section, highlight the client into which you want the source client to be merged.

  6. Click OK. You return to the Merge Clients dialog box and the Target Client box is populated.

  7. Under the Source Member section, set the relationship of the Source client to the primary member of the Target client.

  8. Click Merge. A message appears that indicates that your clients have been successfully merged.

  9. Click OK. You return to the Clients grid.

  10. Double-click on the merged (Target) client's name. The client record opens and the merged client is now listed as a member, along with their accounts, plans, etc., which now reside in this client file.

See Also

Householding Clients and Accounts