To Create a User-defined Security

If there is not an available Morningstar Security to represent a security you want to add to an account, you can add a user-defined security within Morningstar and define all of the information associated with that security. A user-defined security may also be automatically created during the import process if there is not an existing user-defined security or a Morningstar Security match found.

Note: You can edit the details of any user-defined security.

Security Wizard

  1. From the Tools menu, click Edit Definition Master. The Definitions Master opens to the Securities screen.

  2. From the menu toolbar above the grid, click the Security Wizard button. The Security Detail dialog opens, to the Basic tab. The Basic tab is the same for all security types.

  3. Click the Security Type drop-down to select the type of security you are defining.

  4. In the Symbol box, enter the identifier for the security. If the security has a ticker symbol, you should use that. If not, use a name that is meaningful and easily identified. Limit 10 characters.

  5. In the CUSIP box, enter the CUSIP number of the security. This acts as an additional identifier for the security.

  6. In the Description box, enter the full security or company name to print on reports. If left blank, the security symbol will be used as the description.

  7. Click the Asset Class drop-down to select the asset class to which this security belongs. Values come from predefined and user-defined asset classes.

  8. Click the Sector drop-down to select the sector of the issuer. Values come from predefined and user-defined sectors.  

  9. Click the Industry drop-down to select the industry of the issuer. Values come from predefined and user-defined industries.

  10. Click the Exchange drop-down to select the exchange where the security is listed. Values come from predefined and user-defined exchanges.

  11. Click the Country drop-down to select the country where the security is issued. Values come from predefined and user-defined countries.

  12. Click the Country of Origin drop-down to select the country associate with the performance and risk of the security. Values come from predefined and user-defined countries.

  13. Click the Base Currency drop-down to select the base currency of the security. Values come from predefined and user-defined currencies.

  14. Click on the Price Information tab. The Price Information tab is the same for all security types.

  15. Click the Setup button. The Price schedule setup box opens. In the Date column, enter in the date of the price. In the Price column, input the price of the security on selected date. Twelve lines for prices are provided. If you want to add more than twelve prices, click the Add Rows button. Click OK after you have entered the price history.

  16. Click the Detail tab. The Detail tab is specific to the security type you are adding.

  17. Click the Help button to get security-specific detail instructions.

  18. To save this security and enter a new one, click the Save + New button. To save this security and close the dialog box, click the Save+ Close button.

To define a security in the editable grid:

  1. From the Tools menu, click Edit Definition Master. The Definitions Master opens to the Securities screen.

  2. From the menu toolbar above the grid, click the +Add Rows button. A new row in the editable grid appears.

  3. In the Name column, enter the security name.

  4. Click in the Security Type box and select the type of security.

  5. Scroll across the screen and enter in details about the security. Because you can define all types of securities in the grid, many columns will not apply to your security.

  6. When you are done entering details, click the Save button. The newly defined security appears in your Securities list.

See Also

How to Edit a User-defined Security