To create an option

To bring an option into Morningstar Office, you have to either import it from a source or create it manually.

To manually create an option, follow these steps:

  1. On the universal toolbar, select Tools...Edit Definition Master. The Definition Master opens.

  2. Make sure Securities is highlighted on the left hand panel. Click the Security Wizard button in the top toolbar.

  3. Click the Security Type drop-down menu and select Options.

  4. Fill out the Description field. The other fields in blue are required, such as Asset Class, Sector, Industry, Exchange, Country, Country of Origin, and Base Currency.

  5. Click the Detail tab in the upper left.

  6. Choose an Option Type (either call or put), and enter the Strike Price, Expiration Date, and Contract Size.

Note: Contract size defaults to 100, and the market value of options in your account’s holdings summary will be calculated by price*shares*contract size.)

  1. Click the Price Information tab in the upper left.

  2. Click the Prices Setup button. Enter a month and year in the first cell of each row. Enter the price for the days of this month under the Day columns.

  3. Click OK at the bottom of your price table to save the prices.

  4. To enter Monthly Trailing Returns, click on the Setup button on the Price Information tab. This will populate the security level return on reports that show security level returns.

  5. In the Setup Wizard, click Save + Close.  You have successfully created your option, which you can add to a Quick or Transactional Account.