Applying a Custom Asset Class to a Morningstar Security

To apply a custom asset class to a Morningstar-tracked security, do the following:

  1. rom the Tools menu, click Edit Definition Master. The Definition Master opens to the Securities screen.

  2. In the left hand column under Morningstar Securities, click Reclassification. The Reclassification screen lists any Morningstar-tracked securities with a custom asset class.

  3. From the toolbar menu above the grid, click Add. The Add Security dialog box opens.

  4. From the Within drop-down menu at the top of the window, select the Universe in which the security is located.

  5. Choose a search criterion (Name, Ticker, etc.), type a search term, and click Go.

  6. The search results appear in the Available Records window. When you see the security you want, click on the security name within the Available Records window, then click Add. The security is moved to the Selected Records window.

  7. You can run multiple searches before closing this window. To begin a new search, simply repeat steps 4-6 until the Selected Records window contains every security you are looking for, then click OK to close the Add Security dialog box.

  8. The list of securities now appears in the Reclassification screen. Before changing a security’s asset class, you must change its Classification Source from Morningstar to User defined. Click the Classification Source cell and select User defined from the drop-down menu.

  9. In the Classification column, click the magnifying glass icon. The Security Reclassification dialog box appears.

  10. Click the Reporting Asset Class drop-down and select the asset class you want to assign.

Note: Any custom asset classes you have created will be on this list. You can also choose from among existing Morningstar asset classes. This determines how the security will be categorized in reports.

  1. In the Composition table, type numeric values to specify how the asset will be categorized in portfolio asset allocation breakdown reports, as well as investment plans. Custom asset classes will also be on this list.

Note: Most likely, you will assign a composition consisting of 100% of the custom asset class. However, if the security is a fund with multiple underlying holdings, you might wish to enter a breakdown of multiple asset classes.

  1. Click Save + Close. The reclassification process is now complete.